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  2. Entrepreneurship and gender: what’s behavioral profiles got to do with it? INEKA -Knowledge, Business, and Innovation Economies and Sustainability of Future Growth. Verona, Itália, 2019.
  3. Are small business owners entrepreneurs? Exploring small business manager behavioral profiles in the São Paulo Metropolitan region. RAUSP Management Journal, v. 53, n. 2, p. 152-163, 2018.
  4. Brazilian women’s entrepreneurial profile and intention. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, v. 10, n.4, p. 361-380, 2018.
  5. Behavioral profiles and competences of Brazilian accounting office owners. 41st European Accounting Association Annual Congress, 2018, Milão, Itália, 2018.
  6. Perfil comportamental do founders de startup. Dissertação de Mestrado Profissional em Administração. – José Marques Pereira Jr. – Centro Universitário FACCAMP, 2018.
  7. Mapping the entrepreneurial profile of Brazilian small business executives. RENT XXXI, Research Forum in Entrepreneurship, Lund, Suécia, 2017.
  8. Multidimensional configurations of the organizational climate construct. International Journal of Human Resource Management, v. 25, p. 1-21, 2014.
  9. Behavioral styles in the accounting profession: implications for implementing IFRS in Brazil. 36th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, 2013, Paris, França.
  10. Organizational change and behavioral styles in the Eletrobras System. 28th Workshop on Strategic HRM, 2013, Copenhagen, Dinamarca.
  11. Strategic performance of the Human Resources Management Department: implications from the behavioral STYLES of its Professionals. The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 27th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, 2012, Bruxelas, Bélgica.
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  13. Estilos de mobilização de professores universitários. 7o. Congresso Norte Nordeste de Psicologia, 2011, Salvador, Brasil.
  14. Perfis de mobilização gerencial no setor público: um estudo na Secretaria Municipal de Esportes de São Paulo, 2010. Dissertação de Mestrado em Administração de Empresas – José Roberto Domingos da Silva – Universidade Municipal de São Caetano.
  15. Behavioral styles in the Investor relations profession: a survey among Brazilian Professionals. 33rd European Accounting Association Annual Congress, 2010, Istambul, Turquia.
  16. Estilos comportamentais de profissionais de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (C, T&I). Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC, Curitiba, v. 14, n. 03, art. 7, pp. 516-531, 2010.
  17. Behavioral styles in the accounting profession: a survey among Brazilian Graduates. 32nd European Accounting Association 32nd Annual Congress, 2009, Tampere, Finlândia.

MB2-704   210-060   220-801  , 70-488   70-488   74-678   1Z0-144   EX300   LX0-103   70-417   70-488   MB6-703   CAS-002   300-209   300-101   200-125  , 300-115   101   000-089   300-075   c2010-657   9L0-012   350-018   OG0-093   350-060   642-999   CAS-002   AWS-SYSOPS   70-412   200-120  , 000-104   9L0-066   CAP   70-533  , 350-001   1Z0-051   70-410   HP0-S42   9L0-012  , ICGB   70-487   300-115   1Y0-201   210-060   MB6-703  , ICGB   070-461   300-135   300-075   220-802   1Z0-061   350-029   102-400   VCP550  , 640-692  , 101-400  , VCP550   220-901   350-050   LX0-103   200-355